Getting Back Started

Sorry for the long layoff. I have relocated from Greenville sc to Charlotte nc and it has been very stressful. And the stress is still growing by the day. But now it time for me to get back to been me. Starting Monday March  20th 2017 I will start back posting.

WOD(workout of the day)

15 handstand push ups (RX2 1 abmat)
30 pull ups
12 hand stand push ups
24 pull-ups
9 handstand push ups
18 pull-ups
20 thrusters 95/65 (RX2 75/45)

Decline push ups with feet on 20 inch box for all that are not doing RX or RX2. Mod see coach.

Back squat 3×1

30 sec hip distraction
30 sec chest opener
30 sec L-hang

WOD(workout of the day) Distinct

4-30-14 (Time-Rx2)
Start Up
3 Rds
5 medball cleans
5 clapping push-ups
10 OHS
10 good mornings

50 Deadlift 135/95 Rx (115/75 Rx2)
Wallballs (20/14 Rx) (16/12 Rx2)
KBS (55/35)
40m Shuttle Run (1)

20min time cap, scale as needed

3×10 GHDSU

WOD(workout of the day) Distinct

2 peat (Time-Rx2)
Start up
5 push ups
10 inchworms
20 PVC push press

Push press
3×1 On the 2 min

Burpee box jump overs 24/20 Push press 115/75-RX2-95/55 Rest
Burpee box jump overs 24/20 Push press 115/75-RX2-95/55

Average both times for total score

2 min chest opener stretch

Torture tabata
20 sec V up
10 sec V sit
20 sec V up
10 sec V sit …..rpt for 8 rds
2 min hip opener per side

WOD(workout of the day) Distinct

Brutality (Reps)
Start up
5:00 min active warm up

complex 5:00 mins
High hang snatch
Hang snatch
Squat snatch
Choose a moderate weight that you know you can do with smooth transitions

Amrap 10
1 mile run
Max rep cleans 205/115 Score is total reps-record mile time

Mile incentive is as follows:
6:00 mins and under add 5 reps to your score
7:00 mins and under add 4 reps to your score
8:00 mins and under add 3 reps to your score
9:00 mins and under add 2 reps to your score
10:00 mins and under add 1 rep to your score

Rest 5 mins

Amrap 7
200 double unders
50 pull ups

Front squat 3×1

50 abs of choice

WOD(workout of the day) Distinct CrossFit. com

Saturday special (Time)
Start up
30s hip opener
15 jing jangs
10 jump pull ups

50 wallball 20/14
1 rope climb
40 DB or KB alt snatch 20/15
1 rope climb
30 med ball clean 20/14
1 rope climb
20 walkouts(single leg to push up alt)
1 rope climb
10 tire flips
1 rope climb

(Mod-3 to 1 rope climb adjust med ball weight as needed)

Torture Tabata
20 sec side plank
10 sec front
20 sec side plank
10 sec front…..for 8rds

New Website coming soon!!!! RW100FITNESS

Online Personal Training Program

I will provide a comprehensive plan for each person specifically based on your fitness goals. You will be provided with a web-based platform where I get to structure your weekly functional workouts. If you are looking to lose weight or just live a healthier lifestyle. I can structure something specific for you no matter what your fitness level or goal.

Pimp juiced (Time-Rx2)
Start up
3 rds
10 plyo jumps
20 mclimbers
30 bicycles

‘Pimp juiced’
20 hspu
20 burpees
20 back squats 155/105 rx2-125/85
20 KBS 53/35
5 bar muscle up rx2-black band 400m run

Bench press

Pick a goat and work on it

1 min max rep sit ups